Wholesale Market Subtropical F&V Report - Dallas, TX
DALLAS Terminal Prices as of 27-NOV-2020                                       
Provided by:  Specialty Crops Market News                                      
              Federal - State Market News Service, USDA.                       
Phone:  (214) 767-5375     Fax:  (214) 767-5383                                

Weather at 7:00 AM: Mostly Cloudy 50                                           
Yesterdays High: 66                                                            

MISC TROPICAL FRUIT AND VEG                                                    
---ALOE LEAVES:  MARKET STEADY.  30 lb cartons MX 13.00                        
---GINGER ROOT:  MARKET STEADY.  30 lb cartons PE 66.00                        
---JACKFRUIT:  MARKET STEADY.  25-27 lb cartons MX 24.00                       
---JICAMA:  MARKET STEADY.  38-40 lb containers MX 16.00 few as high as 21.50  
---TAMARINDO:  MARKET STEADY.  25 lb cartons loose MX 43.50                    
---TARO:  MARKET STEADY.  40 lb cartons CR Eddoes lge 42.00 EC Eddoes lge 35.00
---TOMATILLOS:  MARKET STEADY.  40 lb containers MX 21.50-23.00                
---YUCA (CASSAVA):  MARKET STEADY.  36 lb cartons CR 26.00 40 lb cartons CR    